
The 2nd Annual Downtown Anniston Restaurant Week 2024

restaurant week

The summer of ‘24 in Calhoun County has been quite a scorcher. While it’s true that the concrete around here could literally fry an egg, the restaurants of Anniston, Alabama are promising to sizzle up some savory specials in their kitchens as we enter the 2nd Annual Downtown Anniston Restaurant Week 2024! This food-inspired celebration […]

Eat Like a Local: Boatwright’s BBQ Food Truck

Food Truck

Have you been driving around Oxford lately and suddenly caught a whiff of food so sumptuous that you were tempted to do an action movie-style 180 and follow the scent trail at maximum speed? If so, then you may have been passing by the corner of Snow St. and Hamric, or possibly commuting down Quintard […]

Eat Like a Local: Yoki Buffet Oxford


You had me at “buffet!”   It’s ironic how just a couple of weeks ago, I was joking with my sister and her family about how much I love a good ol’ fashioned buffet, and she jokingly said, “We should make you a t-shirt that says, ‘You had me at buffet!’”    I may just […]

Smallcakes Cupcakery Shakes Things Up


Ever go into one of your regular “spots”, a place you are familiar with, and notice something new on the menu? At least, it’s new to you because you didn’t spot it previously. This happened to me on my last visit to Smallcakes in Oxford, AL. Pretty much what we call a pleasant surprise. After […]

Musical Spotlight: The Storydwellers

Local Music

Since the Anniston band The Storydwellers hit the Calhoun and Etowah County music scenes in December of 2017, they’ve racked up an ever-growing list of fans and venues that continuously welcome them back with open arms. They’ve taken the stages of The Peerless Saloon, Coldwater Mountain Brewpub, Rack and Roll Billiards, Darkhorse Saloon, Nola on […]

Easter’s On Its Way: Egg Hunts in Calhoun County

Here comes Peter Cottontail in all his fluffy glory!  Get out your Easter baskets, kiddos. There are some brightly decorated eggs hidden away in all kinds of nooks and crannies, just waiting to be found. Easter egg hunts are enjoyable events for the entire family, many of them offering games, food, balloons, inflatables, and even […]